Sandra is known for gathering the global spiritual community together to perform powerful and transformative ceremonies as well as inspires us to stand strong in unity as we do our own spiritual and social activism work while keeping a vision of hope and being a light in the world.
She is passionate about helping people to reconnect with nature. Since the 1980’s thousands of people have healed from past and present traumas through the classic cross cultural shamanic healing method Sandra teaches called Soul Retrieval.
She is the award winning author of twelve books and eight audio programs that are all sold on Amazon.
Sandra also created Healing Your Thoughts app which provides easy tools using words, blessings, photos, affirmations to help us to observe what we are thinking about right now and how to change our thoughts that feed ourselves, all of life, and the planet with love.
Sandra Ingerman is one of the most highly regarded teachers of shamanism today.She has been teaching and practicing shamanism for 40 years. Sandra teaches workshops internationally on shamanic journeying, healing, and reversing environmental pollution using spiritual methods. She has trained and founded an international alliance of Medicine for the Earth teachers and shamanic teachers. Sandra is recognized for bridging ancient cross cultural healing methods into our modern culture addressing the needs of our times.
Sandra was chosen by Watkins Body Mind Spirit Magazine as one of their 100 Most Spiritually Influential People of 2020.
Sandra was also chosen as one of the Top Spi... See more
Sandra is known for gathering the global spiritual community together to perform powerful and transformative ceremonies as well as inspires us to stand strong in unity as we do our own spiritual and social activism work while keeping a vision of hope and being a light in the world.
She is passionate about helping people to reconnect with nature. Since the 1980’s thousands of people have healed from past and present traumas through the classic cross cultural shamanic healing method Sandra teaches called Soul Retrieval.
She is the award winning author of twelve books and eight audio programs that are all sold on Amazon.
Sandra also created Healing Your Thoughts app which provides easy tools using words, blessings, photos, affirmations to help us to observe what we are thinking about right now and how to change our thoughts that feed ourselves, all of life, and the planet with love.
Sandra Ingerman is one of the most highly regarded teachers of shamanism today.She has been teaching and practicing shamanism for 40 years. Sandra teaches workshops internationally on shamanic journeying, healing, and reversing environmental pollution using spiritual methods. She has trained and founded an international alliance of Medicine for the Earth teachers and shamanic teachers. Sandra is recognized for bridging ancient cross cultural healing methods into our modern culture addressing the needs of our times.
Sandra was chosen by Watkins Body Mind Spirit Magazine as one of their 100 Most Spiritually Influential People of 2020.
Sandra was also chosen as one of the Top Spiritual Leaders of 2013 in the November/December 2013 issue of Spirituality and Health.
Sandra is a licensed Marriage and Family therapist and Professional Mental Health Counselor. She is also a board certified expert on traumatic stress as well as certified in acute traumatic stress management.
To read articles written by Sandra, to listen to interviews, and to read her monthly column The Transmutation News please visit Her training schedule is also posted on this site. Sandra teaches many online courses that can be purchased digitally to work on in your own time.
To find a local shamanic practitioner or teacher in your area who trained with Sandra please visit www.shamanicteachers com.
To watch her weekly podcast The Shamans Cave with Renee Baribeau please visit