‘The Secret Agent’ by Joseph Conrad tells the story of Mr. Adolf Verloc and his work as a spy against Britain. In a rough-and-ready shop in Soho in Victorian London, Mr. Verloc lives a humble existence sustaining himself, his wife, her infirm mother, and her disabled brother, Stevie. But all is not as it seems with Mr. Verloc, a secret agent in the employ of a foreign government.
Verloc is a businessman who owns a shop which sells pornographic material, contraceptives and bric-a-brac. His friends are a group of anarchists of which Comrade Ossipon, Michaelis, and "The Professor" are the most prominent. The group produces anarchist literature in the form of pamphlets entitled F.P.—The Future of the Proletariat.
Although a member of an anarchist cell, Verloc is also secretly employed by the embassy of a foreign country, but Mr. Vladimir, the new First Secretary in the Embassy is not satisfied with Verloc's contribution. In order to redeem himself, Verloc must carry out an operation – the destruction of Greenwich Observatory by a bomb.