This book is aimed to serve as a complete textbook for the fourth semester students of Bachelor in Pharmacy covering both theoretical and practical parts as per the latest syllabus prescribed by the Pharmacy Council of India (Course Codes BP405T and BP409P). This book will also help the BPharm students who are preparing for the GPAT.
The main objective of this book is to provide the students knowledge of basic understanding of the plant tissue culture techniques, cultivation, collection, processing and storage of crude drugs and the role of pharmacognosy in various systems of medicine. This book also gives the information on oral vaccines, hallucinogens, teratogens, natural allergens, and fibers. Upon completion of the study of this book, the students will be able to know the organoleptic, microscopic, physical, and chemical evaluation of crude drugs. The students will also be able to understand the importance of novel medicinal agents from marine sources as well as plant tissue cultue.
This book gives a comprehensive treatment of basic concepts of historical development and scope of pharmacognosy, classification of crude drugs and primary and secondary plants metabolites. This book strikes a balance between essential and advanced areas of knowledge apart from general topics. The subject matter is comprehensive and written in an easy to follow language, is suitably illustrated with well-labelled diagrams and contains valuable tables in both the theoretical and practical parts.