The Combo Success Study Notes Package for UPPSC Civil Services Prelim & Main General Studies Exams (set of 9 Books) is a unique collection of Disha's Bestselling books for UPPSC Prelims & Main Entrance Exams will provide the best value to the aspirants. This Package includes:
✏️ Book 1 - 6: General Studies for Prelims & Mains; Indian History, Geography & Environment, Indian Polity, Economy, General Science & Technology & General Knowledge
✏️ Book 7: UPPSC Prelims Solved Papers of Past 14 years.
✏️ Book 8: UPPSC Mains Solved Papers of Past 6 years.
✏️ Book 9: Uttar Pradesh General Studies capturing the complete General Studies of UP relevent for the Prelims & Mains Papers V & VI for the UPPSC Civil Services Exams. You also get a 4 color Pluck Out Chart along with the Book.