This book is a part of a series of six books written to provide complete coverage of the NCERT science syllabus for Classes 9 and 10 prescribed by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).The six books in this series are:Science for Ninth Class (Part-1): PHYSICSScience for Ninth Class (Part-2): CHEMISTRYScience for Ninth Class (Part-3): BIOLOGYScience for Tenth Class (Part-1): PHYSICSScience for Tenth Class (Part-2): CHEMISTRYScience for Tenth Class (Part-3): BIOLOGYThe most important feature of the revised editions of these books is that a large variety of solved and unsolved questions has been included to assess the learning abilities of the students.The main aim of bringing out this series is to make science more attractive, interesting, and understandable to students. The headings, subheadings, and definitions of each topic have been given in different colors, helping students locate various topics easily and learn definitions conveniently.“A picture can say a thousand words.” Keeping this in mind, a large number of colored pictures and sketches of various scientific processes, procedures, manufacturing plants, and everyday situations involving scientific principles have been included. This will help students understand various scientific facts clearly and see how science is applied in real-world scenarios in homes, transport, and industry.SPECIAL FEATURES:Very short answer type questionsShort answer type questionsLong answer type questions (or Essay type questions)Multiple choice questions (MCQs) based on theoryQuestions based on high order thinking skills (... See more
This book is a part of a series of six books written to provide complete coverage of the NCERT science syllabus for Classes 9 and 10 prescribed by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).The six books in this series are:Science for Ninth Class (Part-1): PHYSICSScience for Ninth Class (Part-2): CHEMISTRYScience for Ninth Class (Part-3): BIOLOGYScience for Tenth Class (Part-1): PHYSICSScience for Tenth Class (Part-2): CHEMISTRYScience for Tenth Class (Part-3): BIOLOGYThe most important feature of the revised editions of these books is that a large variety of solved and unsolved questions has been included to assess the learning abilities of the students.The main aim of bringing out this series is to make science more attractive, interesting, and understandable to students. The headings, subheadings, and definitions of each topic have been given in different colors, helping students locate various topics easily and learn definitions conveniently.“A picture can say a thousand words.” Keeping this in mind, a large number of colored pictures and sketches of various scientific processes, procedures, manufacturing plants, and everyday situations involving scientific principles have been included. This will help students understand various scientific facts clearly and see how science is applied in real-world scenarios in homes, transport, and industry.SPECIAL FEATURES:Very short answer type questionsShort answer type questionsLong answer type questions (or Essay type questions)Multiple choice questions (MCQs) based on theoryQuestions based on high order thinking skills (HOTS)Multiple choice questions (MCQs) based on practical skills in scienceNCERT book questions and exercises (with answers)Case-based questions (with answers)Questions based on assertion-reason (with answers)