Seventy percent of a person's thoughts are negative and people usually find it quite difficult to erase such negative memories from their lives. What to Say When You Talk to Yourself by Shad Helmstetter is a book designed to help deal with the negative thoughts arising from a person's brain. According to the author, most people have more questions than they have answers. These people tend to point out the wrong answers for certain questions and do not understand how these answers were worked out in the first place.
The author feels that repeated negative thoughts transmitted to the brain will only yield low self esteem. The author feels that everyone should have control over one's self, garner positive thoughts, remove procrastinating beliefs and look for the silver lining to situations. This book talks about self-management in terms of the ways to talk to one-self and the techniques by which it can be done.
The book shows where people usually make mistakes and how these mistakes encourage negativity in one. Through examples taken from real life situations, Shad Helmstetter showcases how to bring out the good in oneself and rise above negative thoughts. What to Say When You Talk to Yourself focuses on positive reinforcement.