Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2: Never forget rule No.1" - Warren BuffettThis book is design how to use of Value Investing? you buy something which is below the value, stock that are out of favour. The business owned by ethical management, which has moat around it, business which require least capital, require less amount of debts, have margin of safety and must be within Circle of Competence.It is most successful Process Principal and discipline Framework developed by great investor Benjamin Graham is regarded by many to be the father of value investing. Along with David Dodd, he wrote Security Analysis, first published in 1934.This book is a study of Benjamin Graham, Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch, Charles Thomas Munger & Philip Arthur Fisher, Parag Parik, The investment Principal shared by themWe ask questions such in book and will get the answer once you finish the book: Why value Investing?How to Use 72 formulas?How to Create Wealth?Why Compound interest is 8 wonder of the world?Why investor find risky when prices are low?How company create Value to shares holders?How to Manage Risk?Do financial Behaviour is important?Does investor make different type of decision?Are all investor rational?From this book you will able to understand and use value investing process as: Able of create business value investing model.Analyses of equity listed in USA & Indian market.Learn to create Circle of Competence Understand rational investment decisions Learn to Analyses Security as per value investing Process, Discipline and Principal Framework.Learn competitive advantage & Moat.... See more
Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2: Never forget rule No.1" - Warren BuffettThis book is design how to use of Value Investing? you buy something which is below the value, stock that are out of favour. The business owned by ethical management, which has moat around it, business which require least capital, require less amount of debts, have margin of safety and must be within Circle of Competence.It is most successful Process Principal and discipline Framework developed by great investor Benjamin Graham is regarded by many to be the father of value investing. Along with David Dodd, he wrote Security Analysis, first published in 1934.This book is a study of Benjamin Graham, Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch, Charles Thomas Munger & Philip Arthur Fisher, Parag Parik, The investment Principal shared by themWe ask questions such in book and will get the answer once you finish the book: Why value Investing?How to Use 72 formulas?How to Create Wealth?Why Compound interest is 8 wonder of the world?Why investor find risky when prices are low?How company create Value to shares holders?How to Manage Risk?Do financial Behaviour is important?Does investor make different type of decision?Are all investor rational?From this book you will able to understand and use value investing process as: Able of create business value investing model.Analyses of equity listed in USA & Indian market.Learn to create Circle of Competence Understand rational investment decisions Learn to Analyses Security as per value investing Process, Discipline and Principal Framework.Learn competitive advantage & Moat.Learn how you behave can create wealth for you.This Book Divide in Eight Module Introduction to Value Investing, Understanding the Business, Financial Performance & Growth, Strategic analysis using Competitive advantage & Moat, understanding Management Integrity and Rationality like ownership, dividend, share repurchase, Inside Purchase: going forward we read Margin of Safety & Valuation such as EV to EBITDA, MCAP/FCF, MCAP/BV, PEG Ratio and last we will read about Behavioural finance, how we should be rational in investing .