100% Updated with the latest 2023 NEET exam question paper held on 7th May.
10 years (2014-2023) of fully solved AIPMT/NEET previous years papers.
Multi-dimensional practice with 4000+ authentic NEET questions.
Chapter-wise analysis to understand the weightage of 10 years NEET questions.
10 Model test papers based on the latest NTA NEET 2023 Exam pattern.
Detailed solutions to acquire micro-level understanding & core of the concept.
OMR Sheets for exam-like practice to avoid any blunders in the main NEET exam. The book NEET Explorer by MTG provides you practice with complete coverage of the NEET 2024 exam's topics and assesses your level of preparation. NEET Explorer is a book developed especially for people aiming to become medical professionals, thoroughly understand and ace this exam. It gives comprehensive practice using a massive question bank and delivers incredibly thorough answers so that you gain a sense of how the concept works and score as high as possible. These are the key characteristics that convinced us that it was the ideal NEET revision guide for all aspirants.