The author R.K. Yadav is a true nationalist with the honesty of purpose as his driving force. This book is a part of bibliography of the Intelligence history of India from its inception during the British period. Having served in Research & Analysis Wing (R&AW), the external intelligence of India, was not only a matter of prestige for him but it also imbibed in him enough strength and courage to take on tasks that any individual would even shirk to think about. R&AW authorities booked a senior officer under the Official's Secrets Act for writing a book on some non-significant events of R&AW. Despite this fearful apprehension, the author wrote his book in 2014. However, R&AW authorities refrained to take any action against the author for the reasons best known to them.
Thereafter, many senior officers of R&AW wrote some books on R&AW that they were avoiding due to fear-psychosis of witch-hunting. The author is a regular on TV debates on various channels related to security, defence and intelligence issues in India in particular and the World in general. He also writes columns on these issues in prestigious publications.
The author would strive hard to bring all subjects of human consideration into the public domain until he possesses health and energy in his lifetime.