Syllabus Introduction to Operating Systems - [CS3451] [Operating Systems] - [AL3452] UNIT IINTRODUCTION Computer System - Elements and organization; Operating System Overview - Objectives and Functions - Evolution of Operating System; Operating System Structures - Operating System Services - User Operating System Interface - System Calls - System Programs - Design and Implementation - Structuring methods. (Chapter - 1) UNIT II PROCESS MANAGEMENT Processes - Process Concept - Process Scheduling - Operations on Processes - Inter-process Communication; CPU Scheduling - Scheduling criteria - Scheduling algorithms: Threads - Multithread Models - Threading issues; Process Synchronization - The Critical-Section problem - Synchronization hardware - Semaphores - Mutex - Classical problems of synchronization - Monitors; Deadlock - Methods for handling deadlocks, Deadlock prevention, Deadlock avoidance, Deadlock detection, Recovery from deadlock. (Chapters - 2, 3) UNIT III MEMORY MANAGEMENT Main Memory - Swapping - Contiguous Memory Allocation - Paging - Structure of the Page Table - Segmentation, Segmentation with paging; Virtual Memory - Demand Paging - Copy on Write - Page Replacement - Allocation of Frames -Thrashing. (Chapter - 4) UNIT IVSTORAGE MANAGEMENT Mass Storage system - Disk Structure - Disk Scheduling and Management; File-System Interface - File concept - Access methods - Directory Structure - Directory organization - File system mounting - File Sharing and Protection; File System Implementation - File System Structure - Directory implementation - Allocation Methods - Fr... See more
Syllabus Introduction to Operating Systems - [CS3451] [Operating Systems] - [AL3452] UNIT IINTRODUCTION Computer System - Elements and organization; Operating System Overview - Objectives and Functions - Evolution of Operating System; Operating System Structures - Operating System Services - User Operating System Interface - System Calls - System Programs - Design and Implementation - Structuring methods. (Chapter - 1) UNIT II PROCESS MANAGEMENT Processes - Process Concept - Process Scheduling - Operations on Processes - Inter-process Communication; CPU Scheduling - Scheduling criteria - Scheduling algorithms: Threads - Multithread Models - Threading issues; Process Synchronization - The Critical-Section problem - Synchronization hardware - Semaphores - Mutex - Classical problems of synchronization - Monitors; Deadlock - Methods for handling deadlocks, Deadlock prevention, Deadlock avoidance, Deadlock detection, Recovery from deadlock. (Chapters - 2, 3) UNIT III MEMORY MANAGEMENT Main Memory - Swapping - Contiguous Memory Allocation - Paging - Structure of the Page Table - Segmentation, Segmentation with paging; Virtual Memory - Demand Paging - Copy on Write - Page Replacement - Allocation of Frames -Thrashing. (Chapter - 4) UNIT IVSTORAGE MANAGEMENT Mass Storage system - Disk Structure - Disk Scheduling and Management; File-System Interface - File concept - Access methods - Directory Structure - Directory organization - File system mounting - File Sharing and Protection; File System Implementation - File System Structure - Directory implementation - Allocation Methods - Free Space Management; I/O Systems - I/O Hardware, Application I/O interface, Kernel I/O subsystem. (Chapters - 5, 6) UNIT VVIRTUAL MACHINES AND MOBILE OS Virtual Machines - History, Benefits and Features, Building Blocks, Types of Virtual Machines and their Implementations, Virtualization and Operating-System Components; Mobile OS - iOS and Android. (Chapter - 7)