This book elaborates on the life, legacy and achievements of Sheikh Mujibur Rehman, dubbed Father of the Nation in Bangladesh. The timeline details the various critical years in history from the Independence and Partition of the Indian Subcontinent to Bangladesh emerging as an independent nation.
Critical events in the history of Pakistan, such as the language movement, the great famine, the creation of one unit, and the dictatorial regime that followed have been examined. There is also an examination of the economic exploitation of East Pakistan and the infrastructure boost of the Western wing as part of the great decade. New light is shed on this financial apartheid.
The last section of the book is a critical and comparative analysis of the road to recognizing Bangladesh as an independent nation. Primary data such as specific online declassified records from the National Archives in Kew, London, England, were looked into. Based on these records, analysis was conducted on what could have transpired between the global powers at play. After the unconditional surrender by Pakistan on the 16th of December 1971, a diplomatic tug-of-war erupted. This book is a testament to the forgotten pages of history 53 years ago, when the entire Indian subcontinent was on the brink of a nuclear catastrophe.